[SciPy-dev] 2-review system on doc wiki

Joe Harrington jh at physics.ucf.edu
Sat Feb 13 13:30:18 EST 2010

Chuck Harris recently posted on the numpy-discussion list a request
for numpy 2.0 requirements.  I suggested that we include reviewed docs
in 2.0.

The problem is that the docstring review is stuck.  We need to
implement both a technical and a presentation review, but we currently
lack labor to do the job.  Pauli Virtanen has been busy with other
commitments, so there has been little progress on doc wiki changes.

So, this is also a call for a Django programmer who can add a second
review capability to the doc wiki.

If nobody steps forward, then we'll have to abandon the idea.  I think
this would be a shame, because there are many docstrings that are
technically complete but impenetrable, and others that are well
presented but technically incomplete.  It won't be hard to fix these,
but we need a system to find them.

Any takers?  Ideally, it should be someone who has written docs in our
system and who has Django experience, but likely Django or similar
experience is more important for this.


Prof. Joseph Harrington
Planetary Sciences Group
Department of Physics
MAP 414
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816-2385
jh at physics.ucf.edu

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