[SciPy-Dev] Use NPY_INFINITY in cephes code in scipy.special?

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Sat Dec 4 15:40:13 EST 2010

scipy.special.zeta(1.0, 1) returns 1.7976931348623157e+308
to indicate infinity. Here's the relevant snippet from

if( x == 1.0 )
    goto retinf;

if( x < 1.0 )
    mtherr( "zeta", DOMAIN );

if( q <= 0.0 )
    if(q == floor(q))
        mtherr( "zeta", SING );
        return( MAXNUM );
    if( x != floor(x) )
        goto domerr; /* because q^-x not defined */

Is there any problem with changing MAXNUM to NPY_INFINITY?
Note that the use of NPY_NAN was added in r5880, with the
check-in comment "Use npy_math NAN and INFINITY instead of
hacked/buggy version of cephes.".  David, if you're out
there, can you see any reason to not use NPY_INFINITY here
instead of MAXNUM?

Similar (ab)uses of MAXNUM occur in other special
functions.  For example, in ndtri() (the inverse of the
normal distribution's CDF), we have:

if( y0 <= 0.0 )
    mtherr( "ndtri", DOMAIN );
    return( -MAXNUM );
if( y0 >= 1.0 )
    mtherr( "ndtri", DOMAIN );
    return( MAXNUM );

but this makes more sense to me (and it matches the
behavior of scipy.stats.norm.ppf()):

if (y0 < 0.0 || y > 1.0)
    mtherr("ndtri", DOMAIN);
if (y0 == 0.0)
if (y0 == 1.0)

Before I pursue this further, is there any reason
to *not* make changes like these?

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