[SciPy-Dev] Status of scipy.* docstrings

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Aug 5 08:20:41 EDT 2010

Thu, 05 Aug 2010 13:03:30 +0200, Scott Sinclair wrote:
> Just a note that all the edits made at
> http://docs.scipy.org/scipy/docs/scipy.<sub-package> result in patches
> from the doc-editor that target scipy/<sub-package>/__init__.py in the
> source tree. If the patch is applied as is, the work from the doc-editor
> won't appear in the terminal because the <sub-package>.__doc__ is
> overwritten with the content of scipy/<sub-package>/info.py on import of
> the sub-package. I expect that Sphinx will also end up with the
> docstring from info.py for the same reason, but don't have time to check
> right now.

Correct. Since the __init__.py do

	from info import __doc__

it's not possible to find out by introspection where the __doc__ actually 
came from. To get the patches to the correct place would need some extra 
smartness and special casing in pydoc-tool.py

Pauli Virtanen

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