[SciPy-dev] SciPy SVN compilation on SnowLeopard

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 16 02:39:56 EDT 2009

Pierre GM wrote:
> On Sep 16, 2009, at 1:56 AM, David Cournapeau wrote:
>> I would try to fix the compilation problem first - the .o file, if it
>> exists at all (which I doubt), would certainly be garbage since the  
>> code
>> cannot be parsed by gcc.
> And that's my problem, because I've no idea where to start...
>> Then I don't know, it will depend on the flags you set yourself (or  
>> the
>> default ones). But python does not support 64 bits arch on mac os X  
>> yet
>> very well - the apple python uses some apple specific patches.
>> I think that for the time being, unless you really need it, you should
>> avoid using non-apple python if you care about 64 bits.
> Oh my. What's the recommended safe procedure in that case ? Can  
> packages be safely stored in /Library/Python/ or should I force  
> storage to ~/Profile

You can use the --user option of install (available in 2.6 and above).
This will install stuff into $HOME/.local, and
$HOME/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages is automatically added to
sys.path by python.

Or use virtualenv, stow, whatever tool you may prefer to handle multiple
versions of those packages,


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