[SciPy-dev] [Fwd: Re: license status of your code on netlib]

Benny Malengier benny.malengier at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 14:13:30 EDT 2009

2009/9/10 John Hunter <jdh2358 at gmail.com>:

> While I did not add that to the scipy page, I did write that some time
> ago.  In the interim, I have significantly toned down the language in
> the version on the mpl website
>  http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/devel/coding_guide.html#licenses

It is nice to read this. I have a hard time understanding the reasons
for all the flamewars between BSD and GPL (too young probably).
Without the extremes I think we can all live perfectly together.
Especially in an academic environment where reason is king.


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