[SciPy-dev] Brent's Principal Axis Algorithm

Christoph Schmidt-Hieber c.schmidt-hieber at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 9 05:11:15 EDT 2009

Dear all,
thanks for all your comments. In the meantime, I've switched to a Fortran90 implementation by John Burkardt. I'm aware that this adds an additional layer of license issues, but I believe that there are some advantages outweighing this:
- The code is more portable than the F77 version; I've tested on GNU/Linux 32bit and 64 bit and on Mac OS X.
- The code is more readable, and it should be more straightforward to port it to C if anyone wants to follow Benny's suggestion.
- Most of the code on Burkardt's page is under the LGPL, so I suppose that this particular file is just not LGPL'd because the license status of the original F77 file is unclear.

P.S. The mails that I write with my default mail client (alpine) don't seem to get through to this mailing list. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

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