[SciPy-dev] ANN: new google group: pystatsmodels

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 12:35:17 EDT 2009

After the initial release of scikits.statsmodels, we started to have
email discussions about the design, implementation and extension of
statsmodels, as well as about datahandling and how to use statsmodels
for different types of data. Since this discussion seemed to
specialized to fill up scipy-dev with it, we decided to start a
dedicated google group.

The overall objective is to make python easier to use for statistical
and econometric analysis, and the discussion group is open to and
welcomes the discussion of related packages. The first example is
pandas, a package for handling panel data that uses statsmodels for

Anyone interested, is welcome to join us at


Josef et al

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