[SciPy-dev] Issues in sici

Arkapravo Bhaumik arkapravobhaumik at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 15:38:22 EST 2009

Hi everyone

I have come across a minor issue with the sici module which evaluates the
sine integral. Evaluation is excellent and gives precise values, however for
inputs of infinity the results are nan which is very annoying.

I have compared MATLAB and Scipy in these regards, please have a look
http://3chevrons.blogspot.com/2009/11/sine-integral-in-scipy.html . I would
guess that there should be special provisions for infinity in sici module
and an exception must be coded in.

I have also been playing around with such integrals,
http://3chevrons.blogspot.com/2009/10/exotic-integrals-in-scipy.html .

Please feel free to reply.


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