[SciPy-dev] scipy.stats._chk_asarray

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 01:01:12 EDT 2009

On Jun 3, 2009, at 12:55 AM, Robert Kern wrote:
>> Well, what about that:
>> * convert the inputs to ndarray w/ _chk_asarray
>> * compute as usual
>> * return a view of the result using the type of the input (using the
>> type keyword of view)
>> That should work w/ nanmedian. There might be some adjustment to make
>> for nanstd (pb of dimensions?)
> That is what I was suggesting, only in decorator form so it could be
> applied everywhere. It's not worth wasting time making a small handful
> of functions work and be inconsistent with all of the others.

I was describing how the factory classes that I mentioned later in  
that email were working.
But as usual, you're right decorators are more general and probably  
cleaner (now that we don't have to support Python 2.3).

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