[SciPy-dev] Update and "open issues"

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Wed Jul 22 16:54:13 EDT 2009

Hi David,

I mentioned this on the list a while ago but forgot to open a ticket:


Notice the crossreference link to nonzero() is wrong; it sends you to  
the C API when it should send you to the Python function in the same  
subpackage. I'm not sure how to debug this, or if there's a systematic  
way to find other instances where this is happening and fix them.


On 22-Jul-09, at 3:34 PM, d_l_goldsmith at yahoo.com wrote:

> OK, since no one's RSVP-ed in the affirmative, and no one's Skyping  
> me, I'll just post an "Update and Open Issues":
> Update
> ------
> 0) Jack Liddle has fulfilled his promise to draft a Scipy  
> "Milestones" page (i.e., analogous to the Numpy "Milestones" page):
> http://docs.scipy.org/scipy/Milestones/
> Nice job, Jack, thanks!!!
> 1) I've added "Reviewer Guidelines" for both technical and  
> presentation
> reviewers to the "Questions and Answers" page on the Numpy Wiki  
> (please discuss these there).
> 2) "Basic Objects" on the Numpy "Milestones" page is all but Goal  
> Met - only two (not Unimportant) items remain to be brought to  
> "Needs Review" status: ndarray.strides (I'll give it the old  
> "college try," but I'd really appreciate it if someone w/ a "deeper"  
> understanding _and_ a talent for clear explanation could try to  
> tackle this one), and numpy.ufunc (i.e., the class itself) about  
> which there's an Open Issue (see below).
> Open Issues
> -----------
> 0) Presently, _class_ numpy.ufunc is documented as if it were a  
> function, and not to function spec to boot (albeit for reasons which  
> make some sense once you see how it deviates).  IMO, it should be  
> documented as the class that it is, but I'm sympathetic to the  
> reason(s) it's done as it presently is, so I'm open to being  
> convinced.  However, it's present deviations are inconsistent w/ the  
> pydocweb application, so if we keep it "as is," we need to decide  
> whether we care, and if so, ticket(s) to make the ap compliant need  
> to filed.
> The rest are courtesy of Ralf:
> 1) Ralf would "like to be able to do a few more things on the wiki  
> like make things 'Unimportant,' set things to 'Reviewed, Needs  
> Work,' etc. (That way [he doesn't] have to leave comments in the  
> hope Pauli will spot them eventually. [He's] always hesitant to add  
> things to [Pauli's] mountain of TODOs.)"
> 2) An update on prospects for future funding.  (Joe?)  (Perhaps I,  
> DG, should add this to the 'Q&A' so that Joe has a convenient way  
> and place to update us all as things develop...)
> OK, that's what I have; email me anything you want to add.
> DG
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