[SciPy-dev] bool8 link returns bool_ docstring

David Goldsmith d_l_goldsmith at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 15 20:37:18 EDT 2009

Once again I believe I've answered my own question (I need to have more faith in my research abilities and not cry for help so quickly): Figure 2.2 in "Guide To Numpy" illustrating the hierarchy of scalar types -
the names used there are the "base" names, any equivalent is considered an "alias," yes?  Oh, but this doesn't answer my first question: is the fact that the Wiki returns the same docstring for equivalent types a bug or a feature?  (At this point I'm assuming "feature," but confirmation would be appreciated.)  Thanks,

--- On Wed, 7/15/09, David Goldsmith <d_l_goldsmith at yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: David Goldsmith <d_l_goldsmith at yahoo.com>
> Subject: bool8 link returns bool_ docstring
> To: scipy-dev at scipy.org
> Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 4:09 PM
> Hi!  So, now I'm working on the
> Scalar Types category; perhaps this is "old news," but when
> I click on the link for bool8, I get the docstring for
> bool_; similarly for other types (e.g., cfloat and
> complex128 both return the docstring for complex128). 
> Is this a "bug" or a "feature"?  If the latter, may I
> assume that if link_type_A and link_type_B both return the
> docstring for type_A, then type_A is the "base" and type_B
> is the "alias"?  Thanks!
> DG


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