[SciPy-dev] Scipy workflow (and not tools).

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 16:18:22 EST 2009

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com>wrote:

> >> * Tests
> >> * Code review
> >> * Documentation
> >>
> > What is standing in the way of these things being done more often?
> > Tests are happening, code review is happening, and documentation is
> > happening.   What exactly is the problem except lack of time from people
> > who have historically committed to SciPy?
> Lack of time *can* be an issue for veteran developers.  But for eager
> new developers this is not typically the problem.  For these people,
> you simply need to make it perfectly clear how they can contribute to
> the project.  The more specific we can be the better.
> As a semi-outsider, here is what I *perceive* the Scipy model to be
> currently (for new users):
> * Checkout the SVN trunk.
> * Make your changes.
> * Contact the list and tell them about your new code.
> * Then ???
> This procedure is summarized on the scipy development page in the
> following language:
> "Interested people can get repository write access as well"
> "If you have some new code you'd like to see included in SciPy, the
> first thing to do is make a SciKit"
> Here is what I would like to see = this would make me wan't to
> contribute code to scipy:
> Contributing to SciPy is easy and anyone can do it.  Here is what you do:
> * Create a branch using git/bzr/hg (we have to pick one).
> * Write your code.
> * Add tests and documentation to your code.
> * Run the test suite
> * Post your branch to github/launchpad/bitbucket
> * Submit your branch for review using...
> When someone is eager to write code, this is what they need!!!

Nice, I like it. +2.

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