[SciPy-dev] The future of SciPy and its development infrastructure

David Douard david.douard at logilab.fr
Tue Feb 24 02:49:11 EST 2009

Le Monday 23 February 2009 23:54:04 Charles R Harris, vous avez écrit :
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Stéfan van der Walt 
<stefan at sun.ac.za>wrote:
> > 2009/2/24 Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi>:
> > > I'm wondering if we would benefit from an official, pull-only,
> > > automatically updating, Git mirror of the SVN repository:
> >
> > I'm still wondering what the advantages are of staying with SVN.  I
> > haven't heard any compelling arguments so far, whereas we've heard
> > numerous accounts from developers regarding the positive aspects of
> > DVC systems.
> Decent windows support via Tortoise

Then why not using mercurial? 

- it is written in Python (which people on this list should consider as a 
strong and valuable argument :-), 
- it has many extensions (there are easy to write, since it's Python code),
- it has a decent win32 integration (with TortoiseHg),
- IIRC, Trac now supports Hg,
- it is probably easier to learn than git (even if this latter has greatly 
improved in this area).

> and no need to learn a new system. 

Sometimes one realizes that he should have learned the new stuff long before. 
IMHO, DVCS do exactly fall into this category ;-)


> Plus  
> no need to revamp the whole setup, which is always a bigger pain than one
> plans for. The problems with the current system seem to be ticket tracking
> and branches. I think the first thing to do is take a look at what sage is
> doing and see if we can't refurbish our current system to make it more
> useable.
> Chuck

David Douard                        LOGILAB, Paris (France), +33 1 45 32 03 12
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