[SciPy-dev] Server problems: resetting with cronjob?

Peter Wang pwang at enthought.com
Sun Feb 22 14:11:52 EST 2009

On Feb 22, 2009, at 8:02 AM, Stéfan van der Walt wrote:

> Hi all,
> The server has been down intermittently all weekend, which makes it
> hard to edit and close tickets.

I have restarted the apache process; when I checked just now it was  
clearly hung.

Lately the server has been experiencing abnormally high load, and we  
are devoting resources now to transitioning services from it to the  
new hardware at conference.scipy.org.  Today I will start working on  
moving the mailman mailing lists over, and then I will coordinate with  
admins of individual subdomains to move the websites, trac, and svn  
repositories to the new hardware.

I know that the server issues lately have been frustrating, and  
appreciate everyone's patience.

> Could we please install a cron job to restart trac and whatever else
> is running once daily?

For the time being I'll be monitoring the server more closely as I  
work on it, and will manually do a graceful restart if necessary.  If  
you continue to have problems with connectivity, please let me know  
and we can do this as a last resort.


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