[SciPy-dev] Matlab io bug; request for advice

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 23:12:29 EST 2009

One more question.

> I've put the deprecation warning into SVN.  I will put current SVN
> into 7.1, and intend to change the behavior for 0.8 as suggested.

I noticed while I was working on this, that the default 1D shape for
matlab 4 files was a row vector, and for matlab 5 was a column vector.


a) Change matlab 4 behavior to be as for matlab 5 (1d->column), thus
possibly causing confusion to the (?rather few) matlab 4 users.  Who
will then be switched back to what they were expecting - row - for
0.8. - ?
b) Leave as is, with matlab 4 writing row vectors and matlab 5 writing
column vectors?  In due course (0.8) they will both be writing row

I'm tempted by b).  That's how it is as of current SVN.

Any thoughts?


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