[SciPy-dev] Matlab io bug; request for advice

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 03:22:51 EST 2009


> Personally, I would have changed this behaviour ASAP.  By putting it
> off to 0.9 we are forcing users to produce more of these "broken"
> MATLAB files.
> With 0.7 just out the door, we could fix the bug in 0.7.1 with the
> proper documentation (changelog and docstring).  If that is not
> acceptable, at least propose the fix for 0.8, rather than 0.9.

Ah.  Just to be clear - I am proposing to fix the bug fix for 0d
arrays in 0.7.1.  But do you mean that the 1D as column-vector
behavior should also be considered a bug and fixed in 0.7.1?

David's right, that it's a judgment call as to which 1d->2d behavior
is right, but it's also fairly obvious that the row-vector choice is
more sensible, given the current behavior of matlab and numpy.

I'm happy either way.  It's easier for me, and might be cleaner in the
long run, to just fix and document, but I can also see that broken
code is not a good outcome.

See you,


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