[SciPy-dev] Questions about scikits: 1) What is the best way to translate nosetests into numpy testing framework? 2) How can I get an svn account?

John Salvatier jsalvati at u.washington.edu
Thu Aug 20 03:20:08 EDT 2009

Hello All,

My name is John Salvatier and I am building the scikit
is for solving two-point boundary value problem.

Anyway, I have two questions about how scikits work:

1) What is the best way to translate tests which are arranged so for nose to
the configuration required for scikits
http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scikits/wiki/ScikitsForDevelopers#Testing? Is
there any easy way?

2) How can I get an svn account for svn.scipy.org/svn/?

Best Regards,
John Salvatier
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