[SciPy-dev] Scheduling 0.7.1

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 17 01:22:14 EDT 2009


    I would like to release 0.7.1 relatively soon. There are a few
low-hanging fruits, and here is a proposed schedule. Since no new
features are added for 0.7.1, I don't think we really need a beta:

- RC: 11th May (Monday)
- Release: 18th May (Monday)

My own interests are:
    - distribute a 0.7.1 binary for python 2.6 on windows and maybe mac
os x.
    - make sure 0.7.1 is a universal build on mac os x (it is broken ATM).
    - fix some major segfaults/memleak in scipy.signal.lfilter, some of
which were regressions compared to 0.6.0

So if you have some things (only bugs/doc enhancements, no new
features), please backport them ASAP,



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