[SciPy-dev] bug in scipy.signal.wavelets.morlet()?

Christoph T. Weidemann ctw at cogsci.info
Wed Mar 19 13:48:06 EDT 2008

>  Thanks, Christoph.  This is now fixed in SVN.  Do you have a simple
>  test case we can use to ensure this doesn't happen again?

I'll try to write a test case. Once I have the code, what's the best
way for me to submit it? It would probably be easiest for me if I
could get write access to the SVN repository (I'd be happy to make
more contributions in the future ... I often notice small things that
could be improved such as docstrings, but don't always take the time
to submit a bug report), but I understand if you have more stringent
criteria than a bug report and stated desire for granting people write

On a slightly off-topic note, the following bug report (with fix!)
seems to have been ignored since it was reported 2 months ago:
Generally, what's the best way to report bugs? the wiki, this mailing
list, both, ...?


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