[SciPy-dev] building SciPy for CentOS 5

Joseph VanAndel vanandel at ucar.edu
Mon Mar 10 17:40:36 EDT 2008

I'm trying to build SciPy for Python 2.5.1 on CentOS 5, and am having 
quite a few problems.

First, I uninstalled any existing blas and lapack RPMs, since the 
existing RPMs are pretty old.

I've built and installed refblas3, lapack3, and atlas, using the source 
RPMS from


When I install the RPMS, I use the '--relocate' option to install the 
files in /usr/local, rather than /usr.  (Our system admins prefer we not 
  install 'unoffical' RPMS into /usr)

I've installed numpy, using easy_install.

I've edited site-packages/numpy/distutils/site.cfg to match where the 
blas and lapack libraries got installed.

When I try to build scipy, it complains about various missing packages, 
but still builds, and installs files into <PYTHON>/site-packages.
(I've attached the log file).

However,  scipy doesn't work:

import scipy
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
   File "scipy/__init__.py", line 54, in <module>
     from __config__ import show as show_config
ImportError: No module named __config__

I'm an experienced programmer, and I've already invested 10+ hours in 
trying to install scipy.  I'm a bit frustrated with the documentation 
and the build/install procedures - it just shouldn't be this hard to 
install scipy!

I'd be happy to contribute detailed documentation (and RPMS) for build 
with CentOS 5, once I get a working system.
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