[SciPy-dev] could anyone check nlp_3.py from updated scikits.openopt?

Dave dave.hirschfeld at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 10:00:45 EDT 2008

dmitrey <dmitrey.kroshko <at> scipy.org> writes:

> Dave, could you repeat (svn update -> nlp_3) once again?
> I think I have fixed the issue.
> Regards, D.

That seem to have fixed the initial problem. It now complains about not finding
solver cvxopt_qp but I think that's expected as I haven't installed cvxopt.


In [2]: run -i nlp_3.py
starting solver ralg (license: BSD)  with problem  unnamed
itn 0 : Fk= 111.281224049 MaxResidual: 1.33e+002
itn 86  Fk: 30.7036061227 MaxResidual: 9.98e-007(+) ls: 2
ralg has finished solving the problem unnamed
istop:  4 (|| F[k] - F[k-1] || < ftol)
Solver:   Time Elapsed = 0.28   CPU Time Elapsed = 0.287123922174
Plotting: Time Elapsed = 3.64   CPU Time Elapsed = 3.62924114657
objFunValue: 30.7036061227 (feasible, max constraint =  9.98099e-007)
starting solver scipy_cobyla (license: BSD)  with problem  unnamed
scipy_cobyla has finished solving the problem unnamed
istop:  1000
Solver:   Time Elapsed = 0.36   CPU Time Elapsed = 0.352573581279
Plotting: Time Elapsed = 2.23   CPU Time Elapsed = 2.23213229614
objFunValue: 31.0165763677 (feasible, max constraint =  1.42109e-013)
starting solver lincher (license: BSD)  with problem  unnamed
itn 0: Fk= 111.281224049 maxResidual= 133.401636596
OO Error:incorrect solver is called, maybe the solver "cvxopt_qp" is not install
ed. Maybe setting p.debug=1 could specify the matter more precisely
OpenOptException                          Traceback (most recent call last)

C:\src\openopt\scikits\openopt\examples\nlp_3.py in <module>()
     37         p.debug = 1
---> 39     r = p.solve(solver)
     40     results[solver] = (r.ff, p.getMaxResidual(r.xf), r.elapsed['solver_t
ime'], r.elapsed['solver_cputime'], r.evals['f'], r.evals['c'], r.evals['h'])
     41     subplot(2,1,1)

c:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\openopt\Kernel\BaseProblem.py in solve(sel
f, solvers, *args, **kwargs)
    230     def solve(self, solvers, *args, **kwargs):
--> 231         return runProbSolver(self, solvers, *args, **kwargs)
    233     def auxFunc(self, x, *args, **kwargs):

c:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\openopt\Kernel\runProbSolver.py in runProb
Solver(p_, solver_str, *args, **kwargs)
    155     if p.iprint >= 0: print 'starting solver',  p.solverName,  '(license
: ' +  p.solverLicense + ')', ' with problem ', p.name
    156     try:
--> 157         solver(p)
    158     except isSolved:
    159         p.xf = p.xk

c:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\openopt\solvers\UkrOpt\lincher.py in __sol
ver__(self, p)
    180                     qp = QP(H=H,f=df, A=A, Aeq=Aeq, b=b, beq=beq, lb=lb,
 ub = ub)
    181                     qp.iprint = -1
--> 182                     r2 = qp.solve('cvxopt_qp') # TODO: replace solver by
    183                     #r2 = qp.solve('qld') # TODO: replace solver by auto
    184                     if r2.istop <= 0:

c:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\openopt\Kernel\BaseProblem.py in solve(sel
f, solvers, *args, **kwargs)
    230     def solve(self, solvers, *args, **kwargs):
--> 231         return runProbSolver(self, solvers, *args, **kwargs)
    233     def auxFunc(self, x, *args, **kwargs):

c:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\openopt\Kernel\runProbSolver.py in runProb
Solver(p_, solver_str, *args, **kwargs)
     25             solverClass = getattr(__import__(solver_str), solver_str)
     26         except:
---> 27             p.err('incorrect solver is called, maybe the solver "' + sol
ver_str +'" is not installed. Maybe setting p.debug=1 could specify the matter m
ore precisely')
     29     p.solver = solverClass()

c:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\openopt\Kernel\oologfcn.py in ooerr(msg)
     14 def ooerr(msg):
     15     print 'OO Error:' + msg
---> 16     raise OpenOptException(msg)
     18 def ooPWarn(msg):

OpenOptException: incorrect solver is called, maybe the solver "cvxopt_qp" is no
t installed. Maybe setting p.debug=1 could specify the matter more precisely
WARNING: Failure executing file: <nlp_3.py>

In [3]:

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