[SciPy-dev] Nose testing branch - call for - er - testing

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 20:15:23 EST 2008


I've been working for a bit on replacing numpy testing with the nose
testing framework:


Fernando and the guys started this at the recent Berkeley sprint, and
I've since been slogging through.

I've now done most of the work, and I was hoping some of you would
check out the branch and see what you find:


As before, you can run module level tests with (e.g)


Now the arguments are a bit different, and select the tests using the
nose framework, such as:


select the tests labelled with the benchmark decorators, this:


corresponds to the default, and this

scipy.io.test('full', verbose=10)

to the usual test(10, 10) idiom.

You'll see hints on the nose stuff in the scipy.testing module, and
the scipy.sandbox.exmplpackage module.

Any thoughts from the bravest out there?


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