[SciPy-dev] Scipy Tutorial (and updating it)

Alan Jackson alan at ajackson.org
Sun Dec 14 19:24:35 EST 2008

On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 12:20:10 +0200
"Scott Sinclair" <scott.sinclair.za at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that reviewing of docstrings is going to be tough to get going
> because it relies on the input of people who are already heavily
> involved in the project(s).  Any docstring that someone feels can be
> marked "ready for review" is usually pretty good anyway, we should aim
> to get as many docstrings as possible to this level before getting
> overly concerned about review.

I've been slowly working through strings and marking them "ready for review",
sometimes with no edits, sometimes with minor edits, if they look ready and have
been "being written" for over 6 weeks.

| Alan K. Jackson            | To see a World in a Grain of Sand      |
| alan at ajackson.org          | And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,         |
| www.ajackson.org           | Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand |
| Houston, Texas             | And Eternity in an hour. - Blake       |

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