[SciPy-dev] scipy.test() abruptly quits on scipy svn 0.7.0.dev5241

Peter Norton spacey-scipy-dev at lenin.net
Thu Dec 11 01:20:56 EST 2008

I've had the same result for the last few checkouts. I've been
building with numscons, and as far as I can tell no severe errors are
coming up in the build. However I get this:

WARNING: clapack module is empty
See scipy/INSTALL.txt for troubleshooting.
* If atlas library is not found by numpy/distutils/system_info.py,
  then scipy uses flapack instead of clapack.

...Result may be inaccurate, approximate err = 1.91669384639e-08
** On entry to CLASCL parameter number  4 had an illegal value
$ echo $?

This looks like it's bailing out, but it doesn't appear to be exiting
with any errors. This was invoked as:

$ python -c 'import scipy,sys; sys.exit(scipy.test())'

The same error occurs whether I build with numscons or distutils
(though numscons is a lot easier).

Is this expected behavior?



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