[SciPy-dev] #693 (Evaluating bivariate piecewise splines at arbitrary points)

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Wed Dec 3 11:30:12 EST 2008

Hi Pauli

2008/11/27 Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi>:
> Do we want to get this:
>        http://www.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/693
> to Scipy 0.7.0, or does it need improvements etc.?
> It's pretty straightforward; probably the only question is whether
>        >>> zi = spline_object.ev(xi, yi)
> is a good interface for getting zi[j] = spline(xi[j], yi[j]). [As opposed
> to BivariateSpline.__call__(x,y), which returns answers evaluated on
> meshgrid(x,y)]

Did this make it into 0.7?  It looks like a sensible change.


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