[SciPy-dev] NNLS, and contribution procedure question

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Fri Aug 29 11:54:03 EDT 2008

>> Uwe Schmitt wrote:
>>> / The NNLS code is now via SVN at 
> />>/           http://public.procoders.net/nnls/nnls_with_f2py/ 
> />>/ How can I contribute this code now ? 

> Alan Isaac worte:
>> Did you get the needed information for this? 

Uwe Schmitt wrote:
> No.

Can a developer help Uwe out here?
I believe Robert agreed this should be
in SciPy, so Uwe just needs access or
at least assistance.

In the meantime, Uwe, if the code
can live where it is for a bit,
can you open a ticket with the URL
for the code.


PS It would be good to have a "contribution procedures"
page for people like Uwe.  I remain unclear whether
there is an established procedure.

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