[SciPy-dev] [mailinglist] Re: NNLS

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Wed Aug 13 12:15:13 EDT 2008

Uwe Schmitt wrote:
> The NNLS code is now via SVN at 
>           http://public.procoders.net/nnls/nnls_with_f2py/
> How can I contribute this code now ? 

Did you get the needed information for this?

> Is there further any interest in code for 
>  * ICA (Independent componenent ananlysis) ?
>    I wrapped existing C-Code with f2py.
>  * NMF/NNMA (nonnegative matrix factorization / - approximation) ?
>    which is pure Python/numpy code.

I'd like to see the latter find its way into SciPy.
(I'm not familiar with ICA; what's the application

Alan Isaac

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