[SciPy-dev] problems with numpy.setuptools...

Stefan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Fri Sep 28 16:40:54 EDT 2007

On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 09:26:53AM +0200, Pearu Peterson wrote:
> > should be in the release, we should remove it from SVN.
> I think issuing such warnings is useful for developers as
> quite often one writes a code into a big system without being
> able to test the code with all practical corner cases.
> numpy.distutils is an example.
> So, this kind of a warning is like a mild assertion failure
> that should draw other developers attention that the code
> might do (or not do) something that is different what they
> have assumed. But the code will still run. If nobody will see
> the warning, then the new code is (may be) safe. If other developers
> see the warning then that means that they should work together
> to remove the cause of possible issues from the start.
> Given issue is a prefect example of this kind of situation
> that captures possible problems in the development state
> rather than from users feedback that may have very long
> time span.
> I think we should practice this kind of warnings more often.
> When making a release, such warnings should be disabled
> (read: removed when the issue is resolved).

I would prefer if numpy were *always* in a release-ready state.  Why
can't we instrument tests for distutils?  If the code is so confusing
that we can't test it (or "practical corner cases"), should we be
using it as a core ingredient in the first place?

David's idea of using scons to build everything sounds more appealing
by the day.  Distutils can still do the packaging, but at least we
would have a modularised, testable, no-hassles build environment.


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