[SciPy-dev] Nifti support

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 15:57:24 EDT 2007


Here is the nifticlib.i file, not a lot of differences.

I would like to put in my two-cents worth regarding the nifti format.  I
> wrote a library in python that handles dicom, afni, and nifti format with
> the appropriate conversions between coordinate systems.

Are you able to read DTI image files in DICOM ? That could interest me a

The goal was to be able to script FSL, AFNI, SPM and our in-house python
> code without doing a file conversion at every step.

Do you have a wrapper over FSL and SPM in Python ?

Unfortunately,  AFNI defines the quaternion transformation relative to LPI
> coordinates, while FSL defines it as going to RAI.  I don't know how SPM
> does it - we are still in the process of scripting that.   The result is
> that either the fans of fslview or the fans of AFNI are upset about any
> given solution.

We have the same problem when converting DICOM to analyze, the two pieces of
software we use (MRIConvert and MRICRO or something like that) don't use the
same coordinate system...

I don't know if this is covered elsewhere or not, but it should receive some
> attention.

You have mine :)

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