[SciPy-dev] Timetable for 0.5.3 release?

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Mon May 28 16:12:09 EDT 2007

David Cournapeau wrote:
>> Perhaps we should move to a timetable-based release schedule for scipy?
>> Every three months, release the current svn version. Also making a
>> release after a numpy release is a good idea, so that the current
>> versions work with each other.
> As the scipy community seems to be growing, and as Travis wanted to have 
> a release manager for scipy, what about adopting a scheme similar to 
> bzr, which seems to work fine for them: having a different release 
> manager for each release ? Not that this is against having a timetable,

Here, Here.  The releases are slow in coming only because it seems to be 
entirely relying on my finding time for them.   

I would like to see more code move from the sandbox into the scipy 
namespace.  I am currently working on the interpolation module to 
enhance the number of ways in which you can do interpolation using 
B-splines (the basic functionality is in fitpack, but sometimes I can't 
make sense of what it is doing with the knot points --- there is a lot 
less flexibility then there could be).

I would also like to see the netcdf library in scipy.io be able to write 
netcdf files.  Currently it can only read them.   I was hoping to be 
able to do this before the release, but I've run out of time.


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