[SciPy-dev] trac account different on scikits and scipy ?

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun May 27 20:35:51 EDT 2007

David Cournapeau wrote:
> I am a bit confused by the trac logging system: are the account 
> different for scikits and scipy trac ?
> When I try to login for the scikits' trac by 
> https://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scikits/, I have an error, saying my 
> password is wrong, whereas I can connect to scipy's trac without any 
> problems. I thought maybe the accounts where different on the different 
> projects, so I tried to register to scikits' trac, but then it tells me 
> my login name already exists, suggesting the contrary...
To add another question for this: I would like to use the milestone 
system of trac for my project pymachine, but the code will be both in 
scikits and scipy. Can I create the milestones in scikits only, and 
reference tickets from scipy ? Or should I create the milestones in the 
projects where the code lies ?


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