[SciPy-dev] mlabwrap 2.0 vs. mlabwrap 1.1/1.5

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed May 9 13:35:10 EDT 2007


> What are your reasons for wanting to get out a scikits release first and
> foremost? I ask because I'm a bit reluctant to release a repackaged mlabwrap
> 1.0 as scikits.mlabwrap 1.1, unless it solves some concrete problem.

I would have thought this would be a useful step.  It will get people
used to the scikits location, provide a scikits example for other
projects, remove numarray numeric compatibility issues, thus
simplifying the install.  Also the rpath stuff will help the install,
and those of us using mlabwrap in larger projects should have fewer
places to point at for installation instructions as sckits gets going.
 I doubt the differences in the import statement will bother many of

See you,


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