[SciPy-dev] Roadmap for SciPy/Numpy

Andrew Straw strawman at astraw.com
Fri Mar 30 06:00:20 EDT 2007

Gilles G. wrote:
>> Yes, that is the right link.  I found the other one and fixed both,
>> and added comments to help us find them again when they break next
>> time.  Thanks for letting me know about them!
>> --jh--
> Thanks a lot, these links a really helpfull to understand the way you want 
> things to be done in SciPy.
> Now, from what I understood, there must be a "private area" aimed at 
> contributors only (I reckon it's the developper zone), where all 
> developpement of code and documentation should happen, and the main site 
> should be a "public area" where only stable and clean features and 
> documentation are presented.
> For example, if I want to add some screenshots in the "ScreenShots" of the 
> wiki, I must:
> - edit the ScreenShots page on the wiki (this page is only accessible from the 
> MigratingFromPlone page, i.e. private area)
> - ask on this mailing list if these screenshots are good, or if I must change 
> anything.
> - Once everyone is happy with the screenshot page, I can put a link to this 
> ScreenShots page on the public area (for example on the main page).
> Did I understand well?
> I just don't want to edit the wiki the wrong way...
Dear Gilles,

That roadmap document pre-dates the current scipy wiki(s) and is 
therefore slightly out of date in that regard.

As you note, there are two wikis, but the distinction is not 
public/private but rather user/developer. Basically, the developer site 
(the Trac instance) is for reporting and searching bugs, browsing the 
source code, and discussing the future development of scipy and numpy. 
The "user" wiki http://scipy.org is the place where we want to have the 
best user-oriented documentation, download links, news, screenshots, 
"how-to-help" pages, and so on. As far as uploading screenshots, please 
upload them directly on the ScreenShots page. We're big fans of 
editorial-decisions-by-wiki around here. If someone doesn't like it, 
it's up to them to get rid of it or modify it. And if you need 
permissions to do something you can't do, ask someone on the 
EditorsGroup page to add you to that page. My feeling is that as long as 
your information is accurate and your screenshots look half decent, 
people will appreciate that you are spending the time to contribute.

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