[SciPy-dev] Google Summer of Code 2007

Perry Greenfield perry at stsci.edu
Tue Mar 20 16:51:48 EDT 2007

On Mar 20, 2007, at 2:21 PM, Perry Greenfield wrote:

> STScI has been accepted as a Google Summer of Code 2007 mentoring
> organization, so we could host scientific python projects and
> mentors, particularly those related to numpy/scipy/matplotlib as well
> as more astronomically oriented ones.

I just noticed that the ideas page for STScI on the Google Summer of  
Code lists numarray as a potential project. I'm sorry if this gives a  
misleading impression that we are continuing work on this. I was  
asked to give a list of open source projects we *had* worked on and  
this somehow became the list of projects to work on for Summer of  
Code. I've asked for that page to be changed.


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