[SciPy-dev] ticket 390 ("scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs fails without warning", Reported by: ycopin)

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Wed Jul 18 09:34:45 EDT 2007

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Yannick Copin apparently wrote:
> I actually did not check formally if the solution found is 
> indeed a local minimum, but that would surprise me. So 
> indeed the problem is not so much that the algo could fall 
> on some secondary minima, but that it claims convergence 
> while the requirements for convergence are probably not 
> met (are they in this special case?)

Hmm, I am a bit confused.
This ticket suggested a convergence failure,
but you are not sure there was one?  What
is your evidence of a failure?  Could you
please add a note to the ticket as well as
explaining here.  We cannot pursue this without
a good reason to think there was a failure.

Thank you for your help,
Alan Isaac

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