[SciPy-dev] Callback feature for iterative solvers

Nils Wagner nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Jan 24 11:38:11 EST 2007

Ed Schofield wrote:
> On 1/24/07, *Nils Wagner* <nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
> <mailto:nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de>> wrote:
>     Hi Ed,
>     Great !
>     Thank you very much !
>     It seems to work well with the exception of GMRES.
>     Please find attached a short test.
>     Am I missing something ?
> No, I agree. It seems that there's something wrong with GMRES -- the
> iter_ return parameter from gmresrevcom() is never incremented for
> this example. I'm not familiar with the algorithm -- perhaps it really
> does converge in one iteration? If not, it's just a bug. Could you
> file a bug against gmres() in Tracker?
> -- Ed
Hi Ed,

Done. Maybe you can add some comments.
Again thank you very much for the new functionality !!


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