[SciPy-dev] new google initiative

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 14:33:27 EST 2007


It has financial support, but it is aimed to young developers (before they
go to university). It is thus simple tasks (rewrite documentation, add some
tests, ...) so that they can have a feeling at Open Source software.


2007/12/25, dmitrey <dmitrey.kroshko at scipy.org>:
> Hi all,
> could anyone explain in some words what is mentioned here in the Python
> mail list message and related links?
> Is the google initiative some kind of GSoC equivalent? Has it any
> finance support?
> I would read it by myself but there are too much difficult English text.
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python.announce/browse_thread/thread/ec706f7ed34a8951/f7d7223e9b66cd33#f7d7223e9b66cd33
> Regards, D.
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French PhD student
Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
Blogs : http://matt.eifelle.com and http://blog.developpez.com/?blog=92
LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/in/matthieubrucher
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