[SciPy-dev] about optimization funcs

dmitrey openopt at ukr.net
Wed Aug 29 05:28:56 EDT 2007

hi all,
don't you mind if I will add a single line in scipy.optimize fmin_tnc 
and lbfgsb docstrings that these solvers are also available (with other, 
unified call syntax) in scikits.openopt (provided scipy is installed)?

(briefly for those who don't familiar with scikits.openopt yet: it looks 
prob = scikits.openopt.NLP(fun, x0, **kwargs),
for example NLP(fun, x0, iprint = 100, xtol = 1e-4, doPlot = 1, maxIter 
= 1000, maxCPUTime = 100,...)
r = prob.solve('scipy_tnc')
r = prob.solve('scipy_lbfgsb')
or 'lincher' or 'ralg'(this one for uc only for now)
or p = QP(...) or LP(...), NSP(...) for nonsmooth, MILP for mixed-integer LP

The line should be something like
"also you can call the solver from scikits using unified openopt syntax"
"alternatively you can call the solver from scikits using unified 
openopt syntax"
you can correct the line because I'm not skilled in English very well.
If noone will mind then probably I will add the line, so what do you think?

Regards, D.

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