[SciPy-dev] some problems with optimize.py docstrings

dmitrey openopt at ukr.net
Tue Aug 28 06:20:09 EDT 2007

I can't commit :

Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer (http://svn.scipy.org)

and my ping svn.scipy.org fails (already very long for now), either fix 
it if you can or maybe it will be better if you will download 
optimize.py from the location I had mentioned:


I would attach the file to the letter but then I get "wait for moderator 
approvement" because letter exceeds max size 40 kb or kind of.

Regards, D.

Jarrod Millman wrote:
> On 8/27/07, dmitrey <openopt at ukr.net> wrote:
>> I don't know when 0.6 will be released, maybe I will commit the changes
>> and some minutes later it will be already released - then it could turn
>> out to have some problems. I mean: I didn't check how
>> __docformat__="restructuredtext  en" works, because if I put the line in
>> start of optimize.py file my epydoc (v 2.1) says "unknown docformat" and
>> stops.
> Before I tag the 0.6.0 release, I will first make a 0.6.x branch.  I
> will ask for everyone to test the branch and then, if no one reports
> any problems, I will tag the release and start making binary packages.
>  In short, you don't need to worry about making a change and then
> having the release come out a few minutes later.
>> So maybe epydoc will just crush on optimize.py file.
>> Also, I suppose that it would be better to clean optimize.py html output
>> from all those auxiliary files like rosenbrock, but I don't know how to
>> do this.
> Please commit your changes, so that I can see what you have done.  If
> there are any problems, I can always revert the changes.
>> Ok, so I committed it 1 min ago but it requires someone to check epydoc
>> output (and maybe uncomment __docformat__="restructuredtext  en" in the
>> file head).
> I don't see your changes, so please try committing them again.
> Thanks for all your help.

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