[SciPy-dev] ExtGen - a Python Extension module Generation tool - something very new and fresh

Lino Mastrodomenico l.mastrodomenico at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 17:54:22 EDT 2007

2007/8/4, Pearu Peterson <pearu at cens.ioc.ee>:
> I have started to work on an ExtGen package that is a high-level tool
> for constructing Python extension modules. I'll need it in the G3 F2PY
> project but ExtGen might have more general interest and usage,
> hence so early announcement.

If you somehow can magic up a way to generate modules written in C
(for the standard CPython), in Java (for Jython) and in RPython (for
PyPy) from the same source, that would be really awsome and
incredibily useful.

But I admit that I have no idea about how to do it (if it's possible at all).

BTW, if you don't know it yet you may want to check out Pyrex
(<http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Pyrex/>) which
does something very similar, but in a different way.

Lino Mastrodomenico
E-mail: l.mastrodomenico at gmail.com

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