[SciPy-dev] PRIMME: PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Fri Oct 27 07:22:09 EDT 2006

Matthew Brett wrote:
> Hi,
>> It is the same situation as with the umfpack solver (GPL) - I have
>> written the wrappers which are included in scipy (they do not use any
>> umfpack code, they just use information about its API) and added a check
>> into distutils and a section into site.cfg file to see if umfpack is
>> installed in the system.
> Well - the question was about the LGPL.  My reading of the license:
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
> is that (under section 6) you are allowed to distribute an LGPL
> library with non-derived code that links to it, as long as your own
> license terms 'permit modification of [your] work for the customer's
> own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications', and
> that you provide (section 6a) the source code to the code linking to
> the library and the library itself.
> If I read that correctly, it seems to me that an LGPL library can be
> included with SciPy without SciPy needing to change its own license.

duh, I have missed the 'L'. So it's even easier.

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