[SciPy-dev] Summer of Code: pylibsvm accepted!

Albert Strasheim fullung at gmail.com
Wed May 24 03:46:48 EDT 2006

Hello all

I just received confirmation from Google that my proposal for adding Support
Vector Machine support to SciPy has been accepted. :-)

Thanks very much to Robert Kern and Dave Kammeyer for their help so far.
Dave will also be mentoring the project (thanks also to the other

The original proposal is here:


I've done quite a bit of work on the code since posting the proposal, so the
timeline might change slightly, but I am still planning to have a first cut
of the code in the SciPy sandbox by the end of June, with the final code
done by the middle of August.

If you're interested to see how this project progresses, check the URL
mentioned above, starting in a day or two.



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