[SciPy-dev] scipy.sparse + umfpack + system_info

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Wed Mar 29 09:54:05 EST 2006

Ed Schofield wrote:
> Okay, I've now figured out that the umfpack hooks need NumPy distutils
>>= r2286.  But the get_info() call in umfpack/setup.py still isn't
> acknowledging that umfpack exists.  It should find it from the scipy
> source tree, right?  Do you have any hints?

Well, the umfpack sources are not in the scipy source tree - there is 
just my wrapper/module code there. I did it this way, because even if 
the license of the version 4.4 (which is known to work with the module) 
is (imho) acceptable for scipy, the curent version (4.6) is under LGPL...

You should proceed as follows:
1. get the version 4.4 at 
2. try to install it according to instructions in 
UMFPACK/Doc/QuickStart.pdf (basically, just choose your platform at the 
end of UMFPACK/Make/Make.include and also edit Make.<your platform> 
where you can specify which BLAS to use etc.; then 'make install')
3. put the following into your numpy's site.cfg, so that it is detected 
by get_info():

library_dirs = <UMFPACKv4.4_root>/UMFPACK/Lib:<UMFPACKv4.4_root>/AMD/Lib
include_dirs = <UMFPACKv4.4_root>/UMFPACK/Include
umfpack_libs = umfpack, amd

BTW, without umfpack, does the rest of scipy.sparse work for you? :)

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