[SciPy-dev] Bug in linalg.eig

Norbert Nemec Norbert.Nemec.list at gmx.de
Thu Mar 23 18:15:57 EST 2006

Could you please try to isolate the problem into a standalone script?
Without knowing the content of the files G.mtx and H.mtx, it is a bit
hard to understand what G and H are and what the problem actually is.

Nils Wagner wrote:

>Hi all,
>It turns out that linalg.eig is erroneous !
>Please find attached my latest findings ...
>Unfortunately, I have no idea how to resolve this problem within linalg.eig.
>As a workaround one can use the functions
>from scipy import *
>from pylab import *
>G = io.mmread('G.mtx')
>H = io.mmread('H.mtx')
>#w = linalg.eigvals(G,H)
>n = G.shape[0]
>w = zeros(n,Complex)
>w1= zeros(n,Complex)
># http://www.netlib.org/lapack/patch/src/zggev.f
>alpha,beta,vl,vr,work,info =
># http://www.netlib.org/lapack/patch/src/zgegv.f
>alpha1,beta1,vl1,vr1,info1 =
>for i in arange(0,n):
>    if beta[i] <> 0.0:
>       w[i] = alpha[i]/beta[i]
>       w1[i] = alpha1[i]/beta1[i]
>#w0 = linalg.eigvals(G,H)  # Doesn't work
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