[SciPy-dev] Test case for integrate/ode.py: banded systems

Jesper Friis jesper.friis at material.ntnu.no
Thu Mar 9 09:10:12 EST 2006

David M. Cooke wrote:
> Jesper Friis <jesper.friis at material.ntnu.no> writes:
>>It might also be interesting (at least for me) to add a way to obtain
>>information about the solution, like the number of steps that was
>>needed to reach the solution. What is the best way to do this?  Maybe
>>one could add a method called infodict() that returns a dictionary
>>containing all optional output from the solver?
> Come up with a good solution and a patch :-)

OK, here is a patch which implements an infodict() method. In the header 
of the module I have also added a description of the individual keys in 
the returned dict as well as the size of matrix that the Jacobian 
function is expected to return. However, typing >>>help(ode) does not 
show up this documentation, so I am not sure weather it is the correct 
place I have added it.


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