[SciPy-dev] Common data sets for testing purposes

David Huard david.huard at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 10:22:47 EDT 2006

2006/7/11, Peter Wang <pwang at enthought.com>:
> Robert Kern wrote ..
> > If you would like to start a Wiki page on www.scipy.org to collect
> pointers
> > to useful datasets and example code, that would be great.

I put the page in the developper zone/documentation/projects/Data sets and
Examples <http://www.scipy.org/Data_sets_and_examples#preview>.
I wrote some guidelines for naming conventions, feel free to change them.

> Good idea. The first step would be collecting some datasets and writing
> one scipy/matplotlib (dare I say Chaco?) example per dataset.

Yes, but it should also work without matplotlib (or chaco) installed (all
plotting done inside a try: statement).

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