[SciPy-dev] The new SciPy.org

Joe Cooper joe at enthought.com
Tue Jan 31 06:18:27 EST 2006

Hi all,

As threatened, the new Moin wiki has taken over the SciPy.org site.

The migration has proven even more complicated than anticipated (and I 
anticipated a lot of complexity), so some services remain on the old 
server as of this morning.  This will be wrapped up later today, after I 
get some sleep.

Some of the things that have gone well:

- The wiki is great.  Andrew and Oliphant and lots of others did a 
fantastic job on it.

- Mailing list archive links have an accurate Moved Temporarily redirect 
  (i.e. google links to scipy archives will continue to work).  I need 
to hash out with Travis how he'd like to handle the mailing list 
archives going forward, as he wrote the scripts that integrated them 
into Plone, and obviously those aren't going to work in Moin.  I wrote 
something in Perl in the meantime, but I imagine that'll go away as soon 
as Travis becomes aware of it.

- It will be possible to redirect most "sections" of the old plone site 
to a similar section on the Moin site...I just need to figure out which 
sections from Plone apply to what in the Wiki.  This will be a 
time-consuming thing, but is probably worth the trouble in order to keep 
some google links working reasonably well some of the time.

Some things that remain outstanding:

- Mail and list migration.  I don't expect trouble with this, it just 
takes a long time, and requires attention to a lot of boring details.

- Takeover of the old IP, so that DNS service for the "scipy.org" domain 
is taken over by the new server.  This one is moderately tricky, since 
we have a half-dozen delegated domains for the other projects hosted on 
the server (ipython, neuroimaging, etc.).  Those have to be merged back 
into the scipy zone.

I'm sure there are problems somewhere...But it's running relatively 
well, with at least working content everywhere I thought to poke.

Holler if you see anything glaringly stupid caused by the change.


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