[SciPy-dev] Status of 1.0 release and website?

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Mon Jan 23 16:02:05 EST 2006

Jonathan Taylor wrote:
> I am wondering what needs to happen before a 1.0 release of both numpy
> and scipy?
> Also... what is the current status of the new web site... it looks to
> me like it has basically all of the old content.  Well at least the
> stuff that is not out of date.

Minor note: yesterday I noticed that the 'Artificial intelligence & machine 
learning' link at http://new.scipy.org/Wiki/Topical_Software is busted.  That 
page seems to have vanished.  I dug it out of the wayback machine:


It would probably be best to copy the (valid) content from this archived page 
directly into our wiki.



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