[SciPy-dev] [Numpy-discussion] Re: numpy/scipy some remarks

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Wed Jan 18 16:14:01 EST 2006

On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Fernando Perez wrote:

> Mmh, I think I'm confused then: it seemed to me that pkgload() WAS 
> overwriting numpy names, from the messages which the environment variable 
> controls.  Is that not true?  Here's a recent thread:
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/scipy-dev/2974044

pkgload() is overwriting numpy names in *scipy namespace*. To be explicit, 
the following is going on in scipy/__init__.py when pkgload is called, 
pseudocode follows:

   from numpy import * # imports fft
   old_fft = fft
   from scipy.fftpack import fft
   print 'Overwriting',old_fft,'with',fft
   del old_fft

And nothing else! So, scipy.fft, that was numpy.fft, is set to 
scipy.fftpack.fft. numpy.fft remains the same.

> I understood this as 'scipy.fftpack.basic.fft overwrote 
> numpy.dft.fftpack.fft'.  Does this then not affect the numpy namespace at 
> all?

No! See above.

> I also would like to propose that, rather than using an environment variable, 
> pkgload() takes a 'verbose=' keyword (or 'quiet=').  I think it's much 
> cleaner to say
> pkgload(quiet=1) or pkgload(verbose=0)
> than relying on users configuring env. variables for something like this.

pkgload has already verbose kwd argumend. See ?pkgload for more 


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