[SciPy-dev] [Numpy-discussion] Re: numpy/scipy some remarks

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Wed Jan 18 13:19:49 EST 2006

Robert Kern wrote:

>Fernando Perez wrote:
>>Anyway, I won't belabor this point any longer.  I'd just like to hear from 
>>others their opinion on this matter, and if a decision is made to go ahead 
>>with the overwriting, at least I think the rationale for it should be well 
>>justified (and be more than "it's convenient").  The fact that over the last 
>>few weeks we've had several surprised questions on this is, to me, an 
>>indicator that I'm not the one uncomfortable with this decision.
>I haven't followed this discussion in great detail, but I believe the current
>situation is this:
>1) If you use numpy.dft and numpy.linalg directly, you will always get the numpy
>versions no matter what else is installed.
>2) If you want to optionally use optimized scipy versions if they are available
>and regular numpy versions otherwise, then you use the functions exposed in
>numpy.dual. You do so at your own risk.
>3) pkgload() exists to support the loading of subpackages. It does not reach
>into numpy.dft or numpy.linalg at all. It is not relevant to this issue.
>4) There are some places in numpy that use numpy.dual.
>I think we can address all of your concerns by changing #4.

This is an accurate assessment.  However,  I do not want to eliminate 
number 4 as I've mentioned before.   I think there is a place for having 
functions that can be over-written with better versions.   I agree that 
it could be implemented better, however, with some kind of register 
function instead of automatically looking in scipy...


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